An integrated approach to rehabilitation of children with congenital cleft upper lip and palate in a referral center

Presents the process of rehabilitation of children with congenital maxillofacial pathology (CMP) in a specialized center based on the principles of interdisciplinary systems approach. Considered a functional-structural model of the organization of the rehabilitation process, the functions of stakeholders in the delivery of comprehensive care, as well as the effects obtained for all categories of stakeholders: the patient, the state, society and governance. The quality of the results of rehabilitation is confirmed by long performance center CMP. Developed and implemented Center "Bonum" model of comprehensive rehabilitation based on dynamic monitoring of children from 0 to 18 years with congenital maxillofacial pathology provides high quality results due to early registration, timing of surgical treatment, the use of modern technology, a comprehensive medico-psycho-socio-pedagogical assistance.

Subject article:

Number of pages in the journal:

35 pages