Predictors of secondary alexithymia on undergoing dialysis patients

In the theoretical part of the report discussed the origin of the concept of alexithymia, which were offered by domestic and foreign researchers, the main types of alexithymia (primary and secondary), symptoms and features of display in different nosology. It was a review of clinical presentations of chronic renal failure, symptoms, syndromes and stages of the disease. According to the literature the features were describes of psychosomatic patients on hemodialysis. In the research part of the report provides a set of psycho-diagnostic methods of the empirical study of predictors of secondary alexithymia; a description of the study participants - patients who are on dialysis. With the help of the clinical and psychological interview and observation method to obtain data on the psychological state of patients who are on dialysis. Data processing is spending with methods of mathematical statistics. The main result of the study is the situation that the secondary alexithymia arises as a consequence of chronic incurable severe disease is seen as a protective mechanism in traumatic situations threatening the patient's life. The development of secondary alexithymia is caused by a set of personality traits and characteristics such as mild depression, anosognostic type of deficiency of the negative spectrum of emotions.


Number of pages in the journal:

27 pages