As shows an operational experience of experts The rehabilitation centre for children with the limited possibilities of health "Talisman" with children of early age, the infringements in development of the child, the more effectively the help of experts in overcoming of these infringements earlier are revealed. The first years of a life of the child the rendered help is the most favorable for formation of the person of the child and development of its brain, therefore in due time revealed infringements in development of the child at this age and in time, promotes considerable or their full overcoming. The technology of early intervention creates real preconditions of the decision of the important social problem - preventive maintenance of infringements of development of children at early age. And early social psihologo-pedagogical support of the family which are bringing up the child with limited possibili-ties, will allow if not completely to exclude considerably to weaken degree of restrictions of ability to live, to receive in the name of a family of the trustworthy alien in the course of the further rehabilitation of the child.