In the formation of personality in the young age, the role of body image is significant. It represents “the transformation of the forms of actual relationships of the individual into factors of its development and self-development” [1]. In accordance with this, body image defined as a dynamic intrapsychic formation that gradually changes as the individual grows older, crystallizing around a single core and thereby corresponding to the process of forming self-image and self-esteem. The psychological unity of two personal factors - body image and self-esteem - is due to a certain synchronicity in their dynamics, which, when a person is dissatisfied with body image, accompanied by pronounced emotional reactions and affective disorders, including a high level of anxiety and low self-esteem. The article presents empirical data that allows us to identify the relationship between dissatisfaction with body image, situational and personal anxiety among pediatric students. The assessment of satisfaction/dissatisfaction with body image carried out using two tests: SIBID - situational body dissatisfaction and BIQLI - the influence of body image on the quality of life from the methodology of T.F. Cash, Body Image Research. Additionally, the “Self-Esteem Scale” by M. Rosenberg and the “Anxiety/Depression Scale” by A. Beck used. Participants in the pilot study were 30 5th year students of the Faculty of Pediatrics. Among them: five men (17%) and twenty-five women (83%). The average age of the students was 21±1.2 years. According to the results of the study, it revealed that the average level of subjects on the SIBID test is 1.76, that is, most of the indicators fall within the normative range from one to 1.5 points. (p=0.05). However, according to the BIQLI test, the average value of the indicator does not correspond to the normal one - most individual values are located above the norm, which indicates that body image is perceived by students as having significant flaws, is associated with the self-image as a whole, and is thus considered as a significant obstacle to achievements in different areas. spheres of life activity and quality of life in general (p=0.03). The data obtained correspond to high indicators of both situational and personal anxiety (p = 0.01), while indicators of self-esteem (60%) (p = 0.00036) slightly prevail over indicators of self-humiliation (40%) (p = 1.03). The results of the study indicate promising lines of extracurricular work, one of them is the organization of elective classes in the psychology of crisis situations.

Number of pages in the journal:

62 pages